Tips From Criminal Lawyers For Properly Handling Interactions With Law Enforcement Officers

When a law enforcement officer pulls over your car or stops you on the street to ask you questions, how you handle the interaction has a lot to do with the results of the encounter.

For example, if you are argumentative with the officer, then you should expect they will be much more likely to write you a ticket or arrest you than if you are calm and professional.

To ensure your interactions with law enforcement officers are positive and to keep you from accidentally incriminating yourself, follow each of these criminal lawyer-approved tips:

Tip: Avoid Speaking with Law Enforcement Officers Whenever Possible

When you are approached by a law enforcement officer and they start asking you questions, it is important you remain calm and professional but also avoid speaking with them as much as possible.

For example, if an officer asks you any questions other than basic things such as your name, address, or other basic facts, then you should let them know you prefer speaking to an attorney before answering their questions. It is important to remember that the less you say, the fewer things there are that can come back to bite you later if you are charged with a crime.

Tip: Don't Let a Law Enforcement Officer Search Your Vehicle or Home Without a Warrant

In order for a law enforcement officer to legally search your home or vehicle, they are required to have a search warrant that has been signed by a judge. If they do not have sufficient evidence to gain access, then a judge won't approve the warrant when they apply for it.

If an officer asks if they can have your permission to search your vehicle or your home, your answer should always be a resounding no. Whether you have something to hide or not, insist the officer goes through the proper channels and obtains a warrant if they think they have sufficient evidence to invade your private spaces.

Tip: Understand You Don't Have to Open Your Door if a Law Enforcement Officer Knocks

Finally, it is important you understand that you are under no obligation to open your door if a law enforcement officer knocks on it. If the officer needs to speak with you, then they will leave a business card. The best thing you can do is to pass along the card to your criminal law attorney and ask them to interact with law enforcement on your behalf. Doing so prevents the officer from seeing something inside of your home that gives them permission to enter and obtain a warrant to search it.

For more advice on this subject, contact a criminal lawyer at a firm such as All Legal Solutions.
