Choosing A Criminal Defense Attorney For A Minor Charged With An Alcohol-Related Offense
If your son or daughter has recently been ticketed or arrested as the result of consuming alcohol as a person under the age of 21, it is crucial to supply them with an experienced criminal defense lawyer to fight the charge as soon as possible. It is important to note that there is the possibility that your child could permanently lose their driving privileges, be subjected to the costs and indignities of probation or both as the result of the event. Therefore, if your son or daughter is under the of 21 and is in legal trouble as the result of their alleged purchase, possession or use of alcohol, it is very important to use the following advice to choose the most appropriate attorney to help your child in this difficult situation.
#1 - Do Not Choose The First Lawyer With Whom You Speak
One common mistake that parents make is to choose the first attorney who returns their phone call. Although the need for legal representation is obvious, it is instead better to meet personally with any lawyer with whom you may do business. You may also find that by speaking with more than one criminal defense attorney you are able to feel more confident with the person you ultimately choose.
#2 - Ask Each Lawyer Pertinent Questions About Similar Cases They Have Worked On Previously
Before committing to an attorney, it is a good idea to determine what the maximum fine and other negative repercussions are in your state for the charge your son or daughter is facing. When speaking with an attorney, it will then be helpful to determine what results previous clients have seen for similar charges when represented by the attorney with whom you are speaking. However, previous results do not guarantee what would happen with the current case and no lawyer should claim to guarantee any result.
#3 - Ask What The Defense Might Be If The Case Winds Up In Court
In addition, you may find that it is useful to ask what the defense of your son or daughter would consist of if it becomes necessary to go to court. When each of those questions has been answered with appropriate responses that are in keeping with the situation, you will have adequate information to make the appropriate choice for legal representation.
Although any criminal matter is very important and should be regarded with the concern it deserves, by choosing a lawyer who is familiar with cases like that of your child, you may be able to benefit from their experience. For instance, temporarily suspending their driver's license may be an option in lieu of taking it away for years. Another option might be deferred adjudication, which is a form of probation available in some states that does not appear on the criminal record in most cases, if completed successfully.
In conclusion, it is important to obtain immediate and experienced legal representation for your child when he or she is under the age of 21 and has been charged with an alcohol-related offense. In order to be sure that you will be able to choose the right person, it is a good idea to use the advice listed above.
For more information and advice, talk with a lawyer, such as those at Kalasnik Law Office, directly.