3 Costly Mistakes Employers Make After An Employee Files A Workers' Comp Claim
When you are the owner of a business that houses any number of employees, workers' compensation will always be a major topic of concern and discussion. Workers' comp is a form of insurance protection for both the employer and the employee, as it covers lost wages on your behalf for the employee if they are injured and cannot work. Even though workers' comp is a beneficial insurance product for any business, it is easy to make a costly mistake that could inhibit the purposed process of the claim and lead to legal action from your employee. Here are three of the biggest mistakes to avoid after an employee is injured on the job and files a workers' comp claim.
Mistake: Alienating the employee from the rest of the workforce after an injury.
Why? Keeping the employee involved with the workplace is a crucial step on your part because it will keep an open line of communication between the two of you. A disregarded employee can easily become an employee who feels like you are not paying enough attention to their claim and could lead to an employee seeking an attorney for help.
Mistake: Not keeping tabs on the workers' comp claim through its entirety.
Why? A workers' comp claim can take a long time to actually be complete and may be ongoing for quite some time with some injuries. If you do not keep tabs on the claim from start to finish, you could miss out on something important, such as a required doctor's appointment or a change in the employee's condition.
Mistake: Terminating an employee after an injury.
Why? You may have to have someone fill an employee's position temporarily while they are off of work due to an injury, but unless it is declared that the injured employee is permanently disabled, you should never designate their work position to someone else. This could be considered retaliation against the employee because they are injured and could lead to negative action or a lawsuit by the employee. You should consult with an attorney and the workers' comp insurance provider before making any changes regarding the employment position of the injured employee.
Even though it can seem like an intimidating process when an employee files a workers' comp claim, it is crucial that you know how to react to every level of the situation. Talk openly to an attorney with any questions you have about the process.