Three Ways To Use Modern Technology To Co-Parent Amicably
Are you divorced with minor children? Perhaps you are in the process of going through this stressful family event. If so, communicating with the other parent may be difficult. Keeping your children away from the other parent or not allowing them to communicate with them outside of visitation times could result in charges of contempt of court being brought against you if there is an existing court order.
Your reasons for avoiding the other parent may be valid. For example, you both may argue almost every time you see or speak to each, and perhaps you do not want your children to see this type of behavior. Today, parents like you have technology at their fingertips, and using technology can help parents communicate and raise their children without the problems divorcees of yesteryear faced.
Video Chat
There are several free online video chat services as well as downloadable apps for smartphones. Parents can utilize these to allow children to communicate with the other parent. Video chat is ideal because it allows parents to visually see the children, and the children can communicate with the parent via chat without the other parent needing to get involved in the interaction.
Co-Parenting Software
This type of software can diffuse many of the arguments that parent have. For example, one parent may have a hard time keeping track of the extracurricular activities that their children participate in, which can sometimes result in missed events. Using the scheduling portion of the software to input game dates, practices, recitals, and similar events is a great way to ensure both parents know what is happening on what dates as well as the times.
The software can also help to track expenses. The option to input child support payments, medical, educational and extracurricular expenses ensures that both parents are aware of outstanding balances. This is particularly important if there are special clauses regarding how expenses outside of child support should be handled.
E-mails and Texts
If the thought of talking to your ex directly leaves you seething, you may be more likely to say some things you may regret later. Unfortunately, when words are spoken, you cannot get them back, and apologies may not suffice for the hurt caused by hateful words. E-mails and texts can both be written and edited prior to sending. They both allow you the chance to rearrange the way you say something to the other parent, and the ability to ensure that your words are amicable.
For additional help dealing with a divorced spouse, contact a professional divorce attorney, like those at the Cragun Law Firm.