Why Are You Having Problems Securing A Personal Injury Attorney?

If you have recently been wronged and feel like you have a legal case worth pursuing, then you should contact an attorney. However, you may go to an attorney who says that they cannot take your case. Unfortunately, they didn't provide you with an answer as to why. If this has happened to you and you are bewildered, here are a few reasons why they may have turned your case away:

1. Your Case Is Unlikely To Win.

When an attorney first evaluates your case, they will determine their chance of winning. This is particularly true in personal injury cases where they work on a contingency fee basis. This means that if your case doesn't win, then they don't get paid. Therefore, they'll want a significantly high chance of winning your case in order to take it on.

2. There Isn't Anyone To Sue.

Believe it or not, in some cases, there isn't anyone that can be sued. Your attorney will examine the facts of your case and see if there is someone at-fault that can be sued. If not, then they may refuse your case since it's virtually impossible to have a solid lawsuit.

3. It Would Be An Expensive Case to Pursue.

Some cases can be rather expensive. Since your lawyer is paying for everything, they may not want to move forward with your case. For example, if a medical expert needs to be called in to evaluate your claim and possibly eventually testify, then your attorney is going to have to pull their fee out of their own pocket.

If it is unlikely that they can secure a win at the end of the case, then they likely won't want to spend numerous hours and a substantial amount of money on your case when there is not guarantee that they'll be repaid.

4. There Are No Damages To Be Sought.

If you cannot prove that you have been harmed and those injuries impacted your financial life in a negative manner, then it is going to be hard to pursue legal action against someone.

5. The Potential Defendants Are Immune.

Sometimes it is unfortunate, but there are certain people who may be immune to being sued. For example, the law protects police officers and a large part of government officials so that they cannot be sued. There must be very extenuating circumstances for a lawsuit to occur in this instance.

Most good attorneys will explain to you why. If they don't, then don't be afraid to ask why. Their reason may provide clarity for you or may help you find another attorney who doesn't see the same issues as the other attorney. For more information, contact a company like Campbell Law Group PLLC with any questions or concerns you might have.
