Steps To Make Your Florida Divorce Go Smoothly

Divorce is never easy, but there are some things you can do to make sure that the process goes as smoothly and quickly as possible.

Find a Good Attorney: Divorce law can be difficult to navigate. Florida court rules and statutory requirements must be followed or you can lose some of your rights permanently. That's why it's important to find a divorce lawyer in south Florida who understands the law. You will save time, money, and hassle if you let an experienced attorney help you through your divorce. Be honest and straightforward with your attorney, and take his or her advice. This will lead to the best outcome possible for you.

Know Your Assets and Debts: It is important to know what you have, and what you owe. That may sound obvious, but many people are unaware of the investments, retirement accounts, or other assets they have. In dividing an estate for divorce, it is important to start with a comprehensive list of what your assets and debts are. It will also give your attorney an idea from the outset about what you are dealing with. Include everything on your list, even if the assets were acquired before the marriage and are not considered marital assets. The more complete and accurate the list, the faster your divorce proceeding will be.

Gather Documents: You will need documentation of everything you own. Look at your asset list and start gathering documentation to support everything on the list. You will need documents for investments, retirement accounts, any property you own, as well as tax returns, and bank statements. The process of finding all of these documents can seem overwhelming and tedious, but it's so important! Take the time to gather documents as soon as you can. This will give you time to track down any documents you don't have and get them to your lawyer in a timely manner.

Take your time: In the process of your divorce you may feel pressure to make decisions quickly. Be sure to take the time to think everything through. This will help you avoid agreeing to something you will regret later. This will help you feel comfortable with the outcome of your divorce.

Pick Your Battles: It is important to stand up for yourself and what you need, especially at such a trying time when your marriage is ending. However, if you put your foot down and are inflexible on every minor issue, you will lose credibility when it comes to the things that really matter. Know which issues are the most important to you, and let other things slide.

Get Support: When your marriage ends, you may feel alone. It is important in a divorce that you have people you can count on. Whether it is friends, family, a support group, or a therapist, find someone who can be there for you during this process.

While divorce can be devastating, following this advice can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed by the process.
