Child Support Through The Ages: Why You Need Support
Divorce is way harder on children than on anybody else involved. Of course, divorce can have a different impact on a child based on their age and developmental stage. The impact of child support, custody, and visitation can also have a major impact on a child's ability to grow up happy and healthy.
Often, children already know that there are problems between their parents. Divorce may have a positive role in some of these cases. What can child support help you with throughout your child's development? And do you really need to receive child support for children in every age group? This is what you need to know.
Divorce and Babies
Child support can be useful for children in this age group because children benefit from having a parent around more often than not. Any time you can spend with the baby instead of being forced to work long hours to make ends meet is beneficial.
Divorce and Preschoolers
Child support is important for children in this group because they also need to spend time with loved ones, much like infants. Children in this age group are also growing quickly and rely on resources to prepare for school.
Divorce and Children in Grade School
Child support is important for many reasons during this period of time. Children have more material needs as they grow older. They need clothes, money for school lunches, and money for class field trips.
Divorce and Preteens
This is an age where children begin to take on some adult responsibilities around the house, but they still rely on financial support from parents. They need clothes, money for school, and money for a burgeoning social life.
Divorce and Teens
For teenagers, divorce can hit pretty hard. While many are healthy and happy, others may act delinquently. This can be a difficult time for everybody involved. Children in this age group also have needs, even if they have jobs of their own. For instance, they may have college application and high school testing expenses.
Talk to a Child Support Attorney
As you can see, child support payments help children through every stage of life. If you are struggling to receive child support payments or believe you may be entitled to more, call a professional child support or divorce attorney today to learn more. You may be entitled to different amounts of support over time as your child grows.
For more information, contact a child support attorney.