Workers' Compensation Parts One And Two
Workers' compensation is far from the simple payment system that some think it is. The level of benefits you can expect is tied to the level of your injury and it can be divided into two separate parts. Each part has its own benefits and requirements, so read on to learn more.
Part One
Your initial benefits with workers' comp are meant to help hurt workers get well enough to return to their former positions at work. Once you've reported your injury to your supervisor and saw the claim form filed with the carrier you can expect at least two main benefits:
1. Medical treatment: No matter the cost of what it takes to get your injury treated you can expect workers' comp to cover the expense. You won't be charged for any upfront costs for anything, from your doctor's visits to medications to any needed surgeries. As long as your workers' comp doctor orders it done they will pay.
2. Disability pay: The amount you can get paid while you recuperate away from work varies but you generally receive a portion of your usual salary. For example, if your gross pay per week came to $1,000 you might get a workers' comp payment of $660, which is about 66% of your usual pay. Pay is weekly only and you won't have taxes or anything else deducted from it. This is not considered income so you won't need to include it in with your other income sources when you file for your taxes.
Part Two
While part one usually is of a limited time, part two can be indefinite. As you might imagine, not all injuries heal enough for workers to return to their previous jobs but that doesn't mean that your benefits will come to an end. The timeline for moving from part one to part two can vary depending on the nature of your injury. You can expect the workers' comp carrier to request you undergo an exam to determine the potential that you have an injury that won't heal enough for you to return to your job.
The independent medical exam is performed by a workers' comp doctor and your injury area is the focus. If you cannot participate in the tasks that your former job requires then you may end up with a ruling by the carrier of maximum medical improvement (MMI).
Since MMI is another way of saying that you have a permanent injury your benefits will change. This is where a workers' comp lawyer like the team at Matt Fendon Law Group come in handy, since you are negotiating to get the highest amount you can from the lump sum payment as well as payment for future medical expenses. Get the help you need to ensure that you won't suffer the financial consequences of a workplace injury.